Welcome to Costessey Primary School! Our vision is 'Ambition for All'. We strive to be a school where every individual achieves their personal best, academically and socially in a supportive but challenging environment.

Ethos & Values




Our School Vision Statement:

Inspire • Encourage • Achieve

At Costessey Primary, we set out to awaken the curiosity of our learners and guide their learning experiences, allowing them to develop as individuals. By introducing them to new ideas and opportunities, both in school and beyond, we aim to secure the necessary skills and accompanying confidence to choose their own pathway in an ever-changing world.




For the School to fully realise its aims, we recognise the role that the family, the immediate community and other Schools and agencies have to play in the development of the children and we actively encourage their participation in the education of the children in our care.


Our School Aims are:


  • To stimulate intellectual growth by encouraging enquiry and a love of learning.
  • To teach children how to communicate effectively and to provide challenges and opportunities for each child’s social, intellectual, emotional and physical development.
  • To provide equal opportunity for each pupil to achieve their true potential.
  • To provide for pupils a sensitive and stable community in which to work so every child can have the confidence to develop both as an individual and as a responsible member of society.
  • To provide a secure and ordered environment in which pupils will be encouraged to respect themselves, others and the environment.
  • To prepare them to cope with the demands and rapidly changing circumstances of our modern world.


We aim to stimulate the following attitudes in the children through a wide range of activities and experiences:


  • a desire to learn and to take an active part in their own personal development
  • an ability to express themselves creatively and use creative thought in solving problems
  • a desire to do their best for themselves and for others
  • positive behaviour, both in and out of School
  • self respect and respect for others, their beliefs, values and property.


We aim to provide an environment which supports pupils in realising these aims by:


  • ensuring that the needs of pupils are met through quality professional planning and teaching
  • ensuring that all pupils have equal regard and access to the whole curriculum providing a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum within the framework of the National Curriculum together with guidance from Evolution Academy Trust, the Local Authority and School policies
  • meeting, with sensitivity, the pastoral needs of pupils
  • providing security for all pupils through positive, fair and consistent discipline.