Welcome to Costessey Primary School! Our vision is 'Ambition for All'. We strive to be a school where every individual achieves their personal best, academically and socially in a supportive but challenging environment.

Supporting Learners with SEN

Intervention and provision:

Children receive a broad and balanced curriculum which is already differentiated many ways to meet the needs of all learners. In some classes additional adult support is given to support those children with additional needs. In addition to this all children requiring additional support attend structured and timed interventions on a weekly basis. These include:


  • Maths intervention: Targeted support, Maths Whizz, Dynamo Maths or mental maths support.  Reading intervention: Targeted support, Lexia, Read Write Inc. groups, 1-1 reading
  • Writing intervention: Handwriting, spellings or grammar, catch up literacy, Rapid Writing
  • Development of fine or gross motor skills
  • Support to increase memory skills
  • Social and emotional support or friendship groups.
  • Support to manage behaviour
  • Support to develop a positive attitude to learning and independent skills.


The school works closely with the child, parents and other professionals to provide appropriate adaptations where necessary. Some children may require additional resources such as writing slopes or pencil grips to aid them with their work. Others may require a behaviour & incentive plan to support them in situations they find difficult. At all times we work in the best interest of the child with consideration to other’s safety.


Children at Costessey Primary School know many ways in which they receive help at school. In recent class discussions led by our school council, children listed over 25 strategies or interventions that support them with their work.


How we find out if this is Effective

All interventions are reviewed half termly, children may continue with an intervention or have an intervention discontinued if adequate progress has been made or it is deemed no longer suitable to meet the child’s needs. Each child who has, at present or in the past, been considered to require addition support is recorded on our working provision map document.


Preparing for the Next Step

Costessey Primary School works very closely with Ormiston Victory Academy and other local high schools to ensure smooth transitions take place for every child when they leave us in year 6. Where possible, intra school activities are built into the curriculum to give children a feel for life in year 7. Transition days and open evenings are put in place for all children and following discussions between the SENCOs and teaching staff, additional sessions are put in place for those with additional needs. Norfolk Education Admission’s Services manages the placement of children going to mainstream schools.


For some of our learners with Special Educational Needs, alternative provision is chosen whether that is at the end of year 6 or earlier in their time at Junior School. Parents and children may choose to attend a Specialist Resource Base (SRB) which caters for specific additional needs or a Special School, which will cater for moderate to complex needs of a wide variety. In both cases, parents can state their wishes at an upcoming annual review or mid-year. The SENCO will liaise with the additional needs co-ordinator and a meeting will be held to amend a child’s statement or Educational Health Care Plan. At this point the additional needs co-ordinator will advise the school to apply for a place at an SRB or they will begin procedures to apply for a place at a Special School.


With any type of transition, if parents are not happy with a placement, appeal processes are in place through Norfolk admissions or Norfolk’s SEN team.


Other Opportunities for Learning

Throughout a child’s schooling with us, a number of opportunities are given to broaden their learning and understanding, including:


  • Inter school activities
  • Swimming lessons
  • Sports lessons with CSF trained staff
  • School trips
  • Sports clubs
  • Homework club
  • Cooking club
  • Gardening club
  • ICT club
  • Pupil choice workshops
  • Visitor workshops
  • Instrument lessons


Out of school our children report they attend some of the following clubs:


  • Street Dance at City Academy
  • FDC football at Longwater Lane
  • Brownies at Bowthorpe Church
  • ESKA Karate at OVA sports hall.


Have Your Say

We welcome any comments and suggestions regarding our Special Educational Needs information. The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) for the school is Mr Watson who can be contacted via email: office@costesseyprimary.co.uk or telephone: 01603 742203.


Advice and Support

If you have any concerns about your child please come and talk to us. Alternatively if you would like to talk to someone and get impartial advice and support you can contact Norfolk SEND Partnership.


Read More About SEN



SEN Local Offer

Our Approach to Teaching Learners with SEN